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first he was disappointed, then he was angry!

OK, this feels like something I wanted to address for awhile. for a fairly long time, people thought Jack was an anthropomorphic character, so basically an actual cat with fur and everything that walks like a human. ...I mean, to some degree he is, but not like that ^^"

His vitiligo confused a lot of people that he was covered in fur, and not that there were pigments fading. Granted, it was kinda my fault since in the early designs his lighter skin was really pale. for later appearances I made it a tad more beige.

The way how I think of Jack, he's not ashamed of how he looks, even though he uses some enhancements such as mascara to cover the white lashes on left eye. But it's more personal preferences. 

However, as it was established in ch3, Jackie was bullied in his youth. not that bullies need a reason to bully someone, but his looks were amongst the reasons that drew unwanted attention. and while my boy still stays true to himself, I can see that any comment about his appearance, even the one in good faith, are rather triggering for him...perhaps Walter should've warned dear Cindy a bit better about this ^^"




She stayed calm, clarified what she meant and didn’t fly off the handle. She’s a cutie pie!


She’s cute and sweet I hope she stays.