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and the bonus chapter of 'Katzen'

Thank you so much for being patient with me. I needed that one week break to finish rendering and lettering half of this chapter. Until the end of the year I should be able to fulfill the weekly schedule. And by January the beginning of chapter4 should be ready to roll, too ^^

anyway, about the bonus chapter. It's my girl Cindy's time to shine and...she's shining bright...I just wish she'd watch where she's going. But then again, that's how she met Wally...maybe running into people is her way of making friends.

I actually really like this chapter. It's more drama and less jokey, but a lot more easy going compared to ch3. Look at it as a pallet cleanser. I especially like the second page. it was really fun to draw and...I wish I could do my backgrounds in this style all the time. They went so fast ;A;

(Spoiler: for an upcoming project I will do the BGs exactly like this....but for Kitten/Katzen/Remy I'm stuck with the full color....)

Anyway, hope you like this little treat ^^  




Walter values his sleep just like I do, lol...and that's a completely normal way to open a door xD


I love how cute this chapter is, hehe~💖💖💖