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OK, I did a little fudge up here. Today was meant to have the last part of the 'Best wife evar' arc. But...not only did I not find the time to do it ('waaaaah') I also noticed that this strip here published already on WT and GoComics....so...I felt like I had to get it up here asap anyway. :(

I see if I can get the next strip up next Sunday or if I'll have to post another colored Sunday.

My apologies. I'm looking forward for the end of the year because....I really rather sit down and do art than adulting stuff -_-".

EDIT: my apologies for forgetting to mention it, but once again, thank you to Serra Britt for doing the flats on this one too! I really appreciate their work, thank you 😊 



Alistair Star

Does that look like a Fedora lord shoe to you guys? Which is what I also said on WT. And I kinda hear ya bea. I'm still like kinda recovering from all the moving myself. I mean, I just want to start playing Detective Pikachu Returns already.


I love Sedine's expression on the last panel 😂

Serra Britt

I admit that I used Remy's color wheel as inspiration for Roy's suit XD I suspect they have similar color preferences :P