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Hey guys, just wanna give y’all an update on the early access episodes of ‘Remy Felobo’

As you can see…there are none 😅

ok, in all seriousness. We are still within the moving process but pretty much with one foot out of the door. Most of our stuff is in storage (aside of some essential furniture like bed and stuff)

Anyway,when we moved in we wallpaperred one of our rooms bc we thought it was cute. Landlord initially was cool with it and said he get someone to remove it and bill us later….we’ll, the quote came and…let’s me put it this way, wallpaper dude wants us to pay for his new car. Ok, that’s a tad extreme. But he wants several thousands for one stinking room….(4 walls…covered in peelable wallpaper…)

not willing to pay that, we ended up doing the task ourselves and…sadly that cuts severely into our already non existing time of work.

I hope I get to sit down and do the coloring for the next Remy on Monday. I’m really sorry about that. the other comics won’t be affected. It’s just Remy atm.

Our schedule will remain spotty bc once we‘re out we kinda hang in mid air, moving in with my in-law, and who knows when we are fully back on the clock.

thanks for your understanding. I hope by December it’s all settled and we work full time again. In the mean time…gotta see whenever I have space for drawing and stuff 😅




Crap happens to everybody. Take your time we’ll be here.

Serra Britt

Adulting is the worst! I look forward to you having stability to draw peacefully again, Bea!