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Alrighty. Still moving, yesterday we hauled our first load into storage. So comic strips are now out of my reach. BUT I still have my sketchbooks and merchandise on hand. So if there are any claims of annual merch or shop purchases, you still have until the end of the month. Feel free to drop me a PM 🥰

Also, I wanna share a sneak peek of something I’m working on for awhile now. Basically, since there’s the request for more spicy artwork I was contemplating how to fulfill that desire without throwing those under the bus who aren’t interested in content like this.
So I’m currently working on some illustrations that have a censored, vanilla version and a more mature version for the PayWall.

those illustrations will only focus on Kitten/Katzen and I‘ll also show some side characters. (“in SECURITY“ and “Remy“ won’t get content of this nature, at all)

Also, non of these illustrations will be too hardcore either. Think more of cheesecake playboy photos and such (like the NSFW sketches I already have for the $5 tier)

probably during my hiatus I will start posting some finished ones. As of right now I’m just gathering ideas and do outlines/variants. But since illustrations take far less time than doing comic episodes, it might be a good bridge until I‘m back in gear 😅

Now here’s the thing, would you guys have an issue if I make a new tier for this? I thought of a $6 tier that has only the NSFW stuff in there (That would also include the two sketches I currently have under the $5)

it would hide content like this from supporters who don’t wanna see this kind of stuff. But I feel a tad guilty charging more for a bit exposed skin 😵‍💫

any opinions? Suggestions? I’m all ears 🤗




Patreon should make a method of users hiding certain tags 🤔 im fine with the $6, especially for the quality of work you give and that we have early access for four projects!


I agree on that. It feels a bit weird to me to charge extra. But the option to block/mute certain hashtags would be certainly helpful :/

Ronald D Morrison

I'm also fine with that, as long as Patreon doesn't screw up and charge ne an EXTRA $6.00.