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Yay, new characters....although I'm sure y'all could've done without these two brutes ^^"

Octavius and Xavier...designed by my wonderful husband who really, really wanted to add something to the comic...however, he forgot we are talking cat people so his two thugs were...humans. lol

Not a big because I was able to redesign them. Tadaa! 

(although Reina received a little change too since her hair was too close to Jack's mom's...yeah, heard of same face syndrome? Get ready for same hair syndrome XD)

these three characters are based on the 'terrible trio' trope...which I like way more than I'm willing to admit. I mean...seriosuly, I always cheered for team Rocket when I was a kid...and I still do. Lol

Reina's original name was Ruby. But my stream audience on Twitch decided to rename her...which was kinda fun. and Reina (which means queen) is quite fitting. I mean, let's be honest, she's totally the head of this operation ;)

Octavius and Xavier were name because...on how my husband drew their legs in the initial. Wit Octaivus having O shaped legs, while Xavier's are cross shaped. It's kinda stupid and doesn't really matter bc I think they are addressed once or twice within the story anyway. But I think it's always nice giving characters a name and not only having them being faceless mobs :)

about the episode. I Love how it turned out. I know it sounds weird and I'm not endorsing the terrible things that happen to our dear boy Jack here. But...it's so much fun drawing effects like this. They have such an impact on the visual and help the story telling so much. 

Jack doesn't like to be touched. His tuxedo, with the gloves and everything are not only a neat visual to portray a tuxedo cat with his fur color and mittens/paws. It's a symbol of his prudent and isolated nature. every layer on his body is meant to separate him from the world...and not only having his movement restrained, but the unwanted touch, even if it is outside and not directly on his skin, is an absolute nightmare situation for him. and I wanted to portray it as such. dehumanizing the thugs into nothing but faceless fog crawling up on him, leaving Jack nothing to do but to look away and lamenting his own situation...gee, I must sound really pretentious right now. But it's what went through my head in the very moment I sketched this scene. this is what I wanted it to look like...and I'm very, very pleased. 

I know this might be triggering. But I do feel the angst of this scene is properly conveyed. I think it's so important not only for the story. but also for the character of Jack.





😭 I just wanna hug the boi

Michael Minnott

Maybe for Inktober (is that still a thing?) you can draw Reina, Octavius and Xavier as Grandis and gang from Nadia.


Poor Jack...I know that when situations become unbearable for me everything tends to fizzle out. I know you said he doesn't really like physical contact but I would also hug and protect him🥺💕

Alistair Star

Oh god!😨. Where the hell is Walter! Hasn't he already tortured the poor boy enough. And you cheered for team rocket? At this point all I ever think is "get a new career already, you're obviously losers at your current one."


IIRC, in an earlier post, Bea said that she'll VERY likely be suspending Inktober this year, due to she and Mr. H moving to their new location. I didn't see it while re-reading the "I'm Moving" post, but it's in the threads someplace; either here or possibly in her Instagram posts.


I'm hoping the next installment has Walter crashing to the rescue! Gotta love cliffhangers... 😰 BTW, I won't be attending the Twitch stream today. Going to enjoy this VERY warm Wisconsin day (and hurry to a few distant stores before they close for the Labor Day holiday this evening).


Don’t fret, your rescuer is on his way.


Dang, I was trying to remember Grandis name XD Sadly, no inktober this year bc I will have all hands full with other stuff :( BUT...I can still draw the Grandis idea. she was really cool, I cared for her and her boys way more than for the main cast XD


yeah, same. I had a couple times these really stressful situation where I literally felt my system shutting down. I was still there but my thoughts were overriding my hearing and sight. shit like this is really scary :(


I think that made Team rocket so adorable. they clearly sucked at being bad guys. But their relationship to each other was rather wholesome and so friendly and loyal. They could've been amazing...if they didn't choose a career in crime XD