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yeah...title says it all. To make it short,I'm moving and, assuming nothing changes, by the end of the month I have to leave my current apartment. we already found a new place BUT we won't be able to move in until December. so...yeah, gonna move in with my in laws for two months. It's not a big deal, but it will impact my work.


I can't take all my stuff with me to my brother in-law. So all of it will go into storage, including merchandise and artwork. 

If you are eligible for the annual merchandise pack ($5+ tier) or original artwork ($15+tier) please let me know by September15  so I can get that ready for you. Otherwise I won't be able to ship anything until December/January.

Also, I'm currently running a 25% off sale on my Etsy store for the whole month of September. 

I just restocked old motifs and added new keychains to it a month ago. So if you missed out on some of my old assortment or like to get something new, now is the chance :)

Here's the link: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Sedine

Comics and Patreon:

I will keep Patreon updated as usual. Well, at least the $1 and the $5 tier. I'm currently working overtime to build a backlog in Pin-Ups, Sketches and 'in SECURITY' Sunday comics (shout out to Serra Britt. You are my lifesaver atm ;A;). Things might slow down slightly but I'll do my best to fulfill my obligations to you :)

For comic work/early access/$3 tier. 

Since I'm at my brother in-law and the move itself will take time, my work might slow down a tad. So I want to be as transparent as possible with y'all.

'Katzen-Jammer!' has a backlog until the end of the year. So I think there won't be any changes. However, I expect it to go on Hiatus for a month in January. By that time my move should be over and I should be back at work full-time, tho. 

'Remy Felobo' might go on hiatus. But I'm not sure since I have to discuss this with my husband since he's in charge of most of the project.

'You've gotta be kitten me' I might go to a bi-weekly schedule. Thankfully the next arc is already written and storyboarded. But I don't think I will be able to work on it as intense as I usually do. So starting October the release will change from weekly to bi-weekly.

'in SECURITY' No change. However, you might get more colored re-runs instead of new comics. That's just an assumption at the moment. If I find time in my schedule to pencil/ink more strips, I'll get those ready for you :)

Bottom line: Thank you so much for supporting my endeavors. This whole situation hit me out of left field and, while I knew it was coming, I'm kinda saddened and overwhelmed atm. 2023 was not really a good year for us. We lost a lot of money due to Webtoon discontinuing their creator credit program. I thought we could balance it out with book sales and growing our patreon. But California is expensive (duh ^^") and inflation is killing us. I fought tooth and nail to keep content coming and to grow our presence in the webcomic world. But at this point we just have to accept defeat and pack our stuff.

While the overall situation is depressing, it's not super dire. We just need to adjust our lifestyle and budget a bit better. But we'll continue making comics. 

As a matter of fact, I'm currently writing on a short project for next year, 'Katzen'/'Kitten'/'Remy' have still plenty of story to go through. And husband already hinted on the desire to bring 'in SECURITY' back, not as a daily comic but maybe 3 strips/week. 

So, I might be leaving the desert, but I'm not leaving my comic work. The rest of the year will be just a tad chaotic, I think...

Anyway, that's all so far. Thanks for reading and supporting us.

I'm also on social media where I post artwork/sneakpeeks and simp over anime men...not sure if that matters but in case you wish to follow me outside of Patreon ^^" 

here are all my links:  linktr.ee/bea.r

Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend :)



Brandon Mercer

Wait are you giving some more original art pieces again??? Also yes hope.you guys move safe and soundly


Hey Brandon, actually, original art pieces can be requested every year on the $20 and $15 tier. sadly, the comic strips are in storage already. But if you are interested in anything else, feel free to write me a PM and I'll get that on the way for you :)

James Buzzanell

Oops! Guess I missed the deadline for the annual pack's shipping (at least prior to January)! That's what I get for not checking things out weekly like I told myself I would, hahaha! Well, at least I still have time for the Etsy shop!