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rEaLiTy HiTs YoU hArD, bRo!

ok, by all seriousness, Walter's finally madly panicked. so...yay, I guess ^^

It's also funny that people predicted Gen would be more the type for jack.

I wanted to talk a bit more about the designs of these lovely ladies, but sadly I haven't gotten around to scan their original sketches. But as you guys already guessed, Zahra is a sphinx cat. I think ever since I started 'kitten' people asked about how a sphinx would look like. Naturally, they would be bald. But I liked the idea of making a bald catgirl that's also really cute. I had some other clothe designs for her in mind, such as a very loose pullover that would present the wrinkles on an actual sphinx cat. But to make it a bit more party girl like, here she's wearing a pink, strapless jumpsuit.

Gen as well was an older design. I wanted a goth girl like character with a fur scarf...because...hey, they are cats. It kinda would fit to add such a morbid detail (not sure if it's really that morbid, but those fur accessories that still had the animals head attached to it always creeped me out as a kid ^^") Not sure if Gen's feud is real tho...O'd like to think it is but...I ultimately leave that up to you ;)



Serra Britt

I saw in Kitten that Walter is not afraid to throw hands, so he'd better find Jack in good shape...


Looks like Walter came through. Only if he came thru an hr earlier before Jack got catnapped 🤦‍♂️