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and while Jack's being kidnapped, Walter is having way too much fun -_-

Well, at least he received a little burn from goth cat. hehe

Both design for Goth Cat (her name's Genevieve) and Zahra are a bit older and were doodles I did on the side, glad I could finally make use of the drafts :)

Anyway, these three cat ladies are actually roommates, all three artists in their own way: Zahra makes custom jewelry, Genevieve is an author and Cindy and aspiring (voice) actress....sadly neither of their endeavors have led to huge success (yet). So in the meantime they work as waitresses in a certain café in which a certain cat fanboy met a certain Tuxedo....seriously, read 'a tux and a king' in kitten and you'll spot sweet Cindy :)




Serra Britt

I feel like it's so sad how it switches from lovey-dovey to stark reality on the first page ^^;

Jeremy Roberson

I've been wondering what the ears look like without the hair covering them and you did a beautiful job the Sphinx is adorable