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OK, I'm not sure if this needs a content warning...if anyone got traumatized by this update (and the events that are following) please let me know bc I honestly don't know when something is triggering and when not (and ppl have made fun of me for adding warnings that were not really needed ^^")

Anyway....did you expect our lovely lady having shady motives? Be honest with me ;)

I was a bit worried people would call it bc I felt her looking at Jack and later emerging in a menacing silhouette would be a bit too on the nose....although, I also love red herrings so perhaps it's still a surprise?

Either way, despite her being a not so nice person, I really, really enjoyed drawing her in this whole situation. 

I think scenes like this are the reason I enjoy this comic over 'Kitten'. Don't get me wrong, I love either comic and will do my best in keep making them. But 'Katzen' has a lot more freedoms where I can take my time to get into more serious and darker storylines. While 'Kitten' really should stay within the comedy/lovey dovey realm for 95%. 

well, on a positive note, my gal Cindy is making her first official appearance too. And....I'm happy to see her ^^



Serra Britt

I think a content warning is warranted for this, she appears to be literally drugging Jack's drink >__<


Mmmm as a gay AMAB supporter that's been victimized both by women and men while I do support your creative freedoms I do encourage you to ensure you're not exploring this lightly and yes definitely put a trigger warning.


And I'm a little more triggered than I thought initially and stuck on it so let me explain. Gay men are frequently treated as the safe pocket backup/fallback boyfriend by women who have a loose grasp on other people's boundaries. This is not to say women do not experience the same thing from straight men but this is frequently a source of critical error behavior. They also see us when we get dolled up and go to a bar with friends and assume it's okay to touch us. I've had "friends" make jokes about roofie-ing me and trying to turn me straight. I've been straight up grabbed and molested. And I've also been assaulted in broad daylight in a park by a man while people watched and did nothing. If you're going to pursue this to fruition as a story arc you either need to plan to deal with this for quite some time or it needs to be a near miss and it needs to be known Jackie is not the first she's done this to. If you are going to explore this I need you to DO IT. This cannot disappear after 10 pages, these experiences drastically alter dating behavior, confidence in approaching unknown persons in public social situations, I've had potential partners reject me for explaining why I need them to move slow saying they felt secondary trauma... It's a big ugly mess that sticks silently and invisibly to everything.


I was wondering about that too. While nothing graphic is happening (yet), it’s still a crime that may causes ppl to feel uncomfortable. I did add the warning for Webtoon, just in case. I guess better safe than sorry.