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omg, it's a gurl!!!! 0A0

Also, Jackie being fragile is kinda adorable. I mean, I love him being all cocksure and stuff. But I always had a thing for characters like him that might look like they have their life together while in reality they are riddled with self doubt and  are ultimate miserable. 

Actually, there is that term called 'Mauerbauertraurigkeit' (have fun pronouncing that XD) translated: 'wall builder sorrow', the urge of self isolation, even towards close friends, resulting in feeling lonely and miserable. 

I always thought that describes Jack pretty well. He doesn't like to deal with people, pushes anyone away under the disguise that he's independent and well off on it's own. But deep down hates his own loneliness. Walter being the only person who he feels somewhat comfortable having around due to them growing up together. So there's a certain familiarity between the two. However, he still expresses a certain urge of keeping up those wall.... 

also, new character! Reina! Originally her name was Ruby due to her red hair (I know I'm very creative XD)

She was renamed while I was streaming in Twitch! bc...I feel like people have fun naming side characters and it's kinda a cool thing to do. Lol

Anyway, let's see how Jackie deals with his new friend ;)




Good luck Jackie, we're rooting for ya buddy!

Serra Britt

Uh oh! She's a comin' !