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I promised you girls and here I am delivering!!! well...kinda (don't worry, there's more where they came from ^^')

Jackie enforcing his rules and Walter fawning over the ladies...in other words, just another day in the park with these two.

The female cameos behind Walter are Mino, Maire and Maybelle (why are all my important gals named with 'M'? <,<)

Fun fact: besides of Maybelle, the girl with the orange skirt, Walter hasn't met the other two yet. May of course is really important for him and his story. So I felt it would be appropriate to symbolize her behind him when he really goes to town how awesome he thinks girls are. But more about her at a later time ;)

Mino and Maire are more stand ins. The Japanese bobtail, the cat breed Mino represents, apparently has a very pretty voice and a bit of a sing sang meow. I always meant to utilize that aspect of the breed but haven't found the chance to do so....yet

Maire is an upcoming character for 'Katzen'. She's a perfumer and a really good one in that matter. hence I used her for the whole 'girls smell nice yada yada'-stuff (although I'm sure there are other reasons than perfumes that female cats smell nice to Walter <,<)
