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My husband, who does the tones for me, was complaining that it takes up so much time to apply the tones for Sedine's hair.

So I was thinking about introducing some alternative hairstyles for her. At least here and there to bring in something new. (after all, women do change their hair once in awhile ^^)

I really like the style in the middle X3

What do you think? Would you mind to see her wearing her hair a bit different, or do you prefer that I stick to the original designs? :)

Hope you like it and I wish you a great weekend ^^




I like the original hair and the ponytail. But then I'm a sucker for ponytails, so what do I know :-)


Thank you :) I think the ponytail has it's charme too. It certainly would give her a bit more of a mature look, don't you think so too? :D thanks for your opinion ^^

Julius J. Marold

I also like the original style. With her "in security", she is somewhat immature so her hair should reflect that. But, she should get her husband's opinion and I think he'd go for the pony tail too. I think your husband would find doing the tones for the pony tail more difficult than the original. Jim Johnson had the same idea for Arlo and Janis a few years back and tried different styles for Janis. He tried several different styles and let the readers decide. But Janis is much more emotionally mature than Sedine so Janis's style wouldn't work for her. Keep up the good work.


It's funny you mention that she should get the opinion of her husband about a new hairstyle. That's actually the theme for the Sunday comic next month (with the difference that I drew her with actual different cuts, not only styles ^^) I didn't know Jim Johnson let the readers decide 0,0 I knew he changed Janis' hair, but I thought that was just his doing to bring in some change. And you are probably right, toning a ponytail must be worse than open hair. Although it might save some tones ;> Thanks for your opinion ^^