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aaaand just like that 'Kitten' becomes part of the 'early access' feature too (I hope I can keep it up, tho ^^")

So, we planned on providing you guys access to the Kitten episodes early. That way you can avoid the reward ads, if you want to.

I wanted to start with anew arc, so to not interfere with the Webtoon updates. I try to keep a two week ahead schedule. BUT...if I can't you should still get at least one episode ahead of everyone else.

Anyway, new storyline...and we shall meet Rupert's sister who's...a bit on the wilder side ;)



Jeremy Roberson

It's never too early for a little kitten

travis duryea

Okay feel free to ignore this, but instead of posting the images as attachments on the post, have you considered adding the image itself as a part of that text? I follow a few other artists that do that and it seems to work for phones.


You mean within the description to scroll down? We can try that if it makes it easier to read. I think hubby is posting a rem later today and I'll let him know to try it that way :)