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in Sam's defense...I feel like this every time I open up social media ^^"

(although, sad thing, social media shows a screwed up version of reality. life is not really as insane as some might want you to believe...or maybe it is and I'm just too blind to see it...I dunno)

anyway, new Sunday comic, yay. This was always an aspect of Sam that hardly was mentioned in the comic. I always saw him as an introvert who kinda wants to mind his own business...but for whatever reason he attracts weirdos like Roy and Sedine like a light attracts moths XD. Well, his choice of occupation went along his wis of just wanting to be in peace...but, yeah, Roy happened XD

Anyway, hope you like it :)



Unca Alby

looks like the computer tools again. ah, we'll get used to it.

Went Brown

I got along just fine with my classmates from Lab School. Of course I had known many of them since elementary