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And the finale of the bonus chapter....happy to see my bois got out of this in one piece :)

Also, let's hope Sharon seeks some therapy...

So, this chapter was written and thumbnails and inked by my husband, as an exercise to get familiar with CSP. Basically, the idea of a crazy cat lady that hoards cats in the 'kitten' universe were on our mind for quite awhile. But I never really had the motivation of inspiration to get into the subject matter...well, aside of the lady with her cat harem.

Anyway, I think this story went more down a dark alley...even with a humorous spin. I enjoyed Sharon as a character immensely and hope to bring her (and her now awoken obsession over our tuxi Jack).

While I really enjoy Sharon, I already see people getting upset about her. I mean...she's essentially a kidnapper/stalker so...not a person you't want in you life. So I'm a bit torn how much I can do with her in the future...you know, do I wanna be sensible and not poke fun about such a serious subject...or do I go 'F it, it's clearly a joke and not meant to be taken realistically....'

We'll see...

Anyway, next week, the next chapter starts, called 'Girls Girls Girls' which is among my favorite stories so far. See ya then :) 




Glad to see Monsieur Fluffypants (I can't help it, I love assigning nicknames) enjoying himself briefly with the nip, will we be seeing him again? Also, last I recalled this is your story and your characters... If people have a problem with something they leave and make their own comic. We the patrons absolutely love where you are going💗

James Buzzanell

People are too sensitive these days! If you can't understand that this is a comedy and that some of the humor may not fit your style, then you can choose not to read it. I personally love Sharon and would love to see her back! Whether she's "reformed", in the process of being reformed by a cat husbando, or just back up to her old tricks, it would be hilarious to see her again! You do what fits best for the story, and don't let other people dictate your creative spirit!