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Did you have a petrock?

First 'in SECURITY' strip that has been done entirely digitally by my husband and me. He roughed it on the iPad, lettered and inked it. I did the pencils and coloring.

It...feels low-key wrong drawing this strip digital and not on paper, tbh ^^" I still have to get used to it.

Either way, I hope you like it. Happy Easter :)



Unca Alby

Now that you mention it, if you look carefully, there IS a noticeable difference. It's not really better or worse, just different. It looks like you had a stand-in do the drawing. They tried very hard to copy your style, but every artist is always going to be different. I guess it will also always be different when you use a different medium.

Nick Klepac

We actually had a neighbor boy that had one and he named it. I'm not sure which was dumber the rock or the neighbor.


Yeah, it’s a different feel for both aspects, penciling and inking. But according to hubby, he’s getting more and more used to it. So hopefully the differences will fade over time :)


Did the kid use it to throw at people? Somehow I feel like that’s what most pet rocks were used for xD