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Ok, guys, you heard it here first. Winter is over. It's officially summer now. lol

This set of sexy sketches is somewhat similar to the set from last month.  so I tried to make Mino's a bit more playful and even  used some interesting tone techniques. I'm actually pretty happy with the overall result. Looks a bit pop-art-ish, imo :)

Walter's is a bit more down to earth. Although...I really, really regret that he doesn't pull his pants down a tad. I mean, his hand is in that area...and it would've added a bit sexiness to it without being too outrageous. And it would've fit Mino's notion of pulling her shirt up so well. Gosh! But...I simply didn't think of it when I drew the sketch -.-

Overall, drawing male NSFW is a bit of a challenge. I mean, bare chest and a seductive expression is all cool and dandy. But, while a woman in that motif does look very sexual. A man in the same position is nearly...casual. I mean, a bare male chest is barely censored and socially accepted. while a woman's....yeah, you know.

I wish to provide nice fan service, without getting too porny, for everyone. But sometimes I wonder if I'm too prudish when it comes to male motifs ._."

I'll keep on working on it, tho. Hope you like the art. as usual, full images are in the attachments ^^




Bazile Nicolas

I could be wrong, but I think Walter looks casual because the pose is pretty casual, while Mino here is lifting her shirt up, even though it's probably not as easy as that. As someone else mentionned, Walter being shirtless also kinda feels like something he'd do casually without implications, while Jack wouldn't. I still enjoy the fact the motives are more playful than dirty to be honest, so I may not be the best to comment about it ^^"

Serra Britt

It could have something to do with how people perceive nudity to be sure. And there's always what my mom would say, men look way better in a Speedo than fully naked... I really love both of these pictures, by the way ♥


Mino and Walter have a lot in common, since both are more the 'funny man' trope together with some chill sprinkled in. But I also think Mino is more playful and a tease. while Walter is more the seductive flirt. I feel like Walter can be playful too, but less in a sexual way and more in a, well, playful way...I hope that makes sense XD But you did bring a good point up. I will see how I can make the male versions more teasing/playful as well :)


Thank you. I guess it's the same with women in stockings compared to being fully nude. Nudity can certainly be sexy. But there's also something innocent and pure about it...not that Walter is innocent or pure. But, I guess I really wanna figure out how to 'cloth' him to be more enticing ^^ (Btw, to me, the sexiest a man can be is by wearing a suit...which is probably the reason I simp so hard for Jack ;A;)