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And with that...the second chapter is done! Wohoo! We made it, guys.

I honestly liked the overall story of them going shopping and basically introducing themselves and their relationship to each other further to the audience. although I admit that I'm a bit too wordy. I dunno, let me know if you find the situations too dialogue driven. 

Either way about the pages themselves. This batch had four pages because most of them are just large panels with lotsa visuals. 

I kinda liked their interaction while putting together the bed...although using a fixed camera angle for a time skip scenario is kinda boring to draw ^^" Seriously, I was not looking forward drawing this scene. But...I think it was worth it.

Also, Walter singing 'Miss Maybelle' is not only a wave with the fence post, as we Germans like to say....It's the whole dang fence!

In case you don't remember who Maybelle is. This is her:

I wrote about her and her brother already here. https://www.patreon.com/posts/miss-maybelle-me-76307725

But the 'too long, didn't read' version: She's basically the only woman Walter truly fell in love with...and he did her dirty. However, despite her not wanting to see him again, he's still smitten with her.

I stumbled over the Song by R.L. Burnside by sheer coincident on Spotify. But once listening to the lyrics I felt like....yep, that's the song Walter would blare at May just to tease her XD

In the original script I was contemplating Walter to sing 'Puberty Love' from the Movie 'invasion of the killer tomatoes' in his sleep...it's a bit of a inside joke from our stream ^^

However, in the end I ended up with 'Miss Maybelle' since it fits the story so much better...especially after Walter's little speech in the previous pages.

The end with Jack...well, that was an idea I had for a sketch comic awhile ago. Basically Jack owning one bow tie that matches one of Walter's shirts. I thought it's a cute idea and...it's kinda cool seeing int fully rendered in the comic.

Overall, one of my intentions was to end every 'Katzen' chapter on a positive note. It's not always possible, sadly. But I'm glad it was here :)

Thanks for reading. Next chapter will be a Bonus chapter called 'Crazy for you-Catnapped' I hope you're looking forward for this ^^




These pages really tied the chapter neatly together...and Maybelle is so adorable, I am hoping that we see her again~

Serra Britt

I feel sorry for Walter sometimes, even when it's clear that he has, ahem -- made his own bed to lie in.