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And the 'Katzen-Jammer!' update.

My apologies for the delay. Dummy me came up with some real deep dialogue while drawing but...didn't write it down -_-"

So here I was sweating over what Walter actually says and how to make it sound as cool as possible...while still be kinda vague. I'm not really 100% happy with the choice of words...but I think it brings the  idea across...Walter is a big of an edgy boy, I guess ^^"

Anyway, hope you like it. Only one more part and Chapter #2 is concluded. Yay!




Walter's words resound in me... I'm still kind of in a dark place but I do want to get to that point where I want to create again~


Reading this again made me wonder really what sort of company Walter was keeping during his travels...

Serra Britt

Aww such a sad exchange here, poor Walter...

Serra Britt

Also a couple grammar suggestions: Page one, panel three should probably have "she really cherished them" Page one, panel five is spelled "easel" not "easle"