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Turn them into a swimsuit and go down to the beach. After all, Japanese Bobtails actually like water.

My marker ran out of ink hence that her upper thigh is so streaky ;A; That's kinda the downside to do traditional drawings. But then again, I consider these 'sketches' so imperfections are kinda to be expected. ^^"

Anyway,I'm happy Mino enjoys herself despite the turmoil in the comic atm.

Hope you like it :)



Serra Britt

I really love that we can still see a little bit of fang there XD

Philip Rauschert

You know, the joke is that if you had not mentioned the 'sketchy' I would not have noticed. Back when I was in the theater and performing, I was terrified of making mistakes. My directors said over and over that in nearly all cases, the audience would not notice. And sure enough, I found this to be true.


That’s incredibly good advice. And I totally should take that to heart. Somewhere I read that self criticism is not good in public either since it might ruin the experience of the viewer. And I totally get that. I just think ppl see me as a fraud who hides an obvious mistake. So I want to be open about my fudge ups. Yet…as you said, these mistakes might not even be that big to most viewers and I just draw unneeded attention to it. It’s kinda screwed up how mean our brains can be 😅