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Sorry for the delay. I had problems accessing Patreon in the past 48 hours (and I probably wasn't the only one ^^)

Today the WIP of the 'mansoap' strip (or whatever was left of it .__.) Back then, the thumbnails (or storyboards) were done freehand with sharpie...without character sheets or any templates. Thank goodness nowadays I take a bit better care of the prep-work ^^

Anyway, hope you like it.

BTW.: From next week onward, I will post WIP-Entries every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Hope you'll enjoy them :)




Very nice to see the progression from doodle to strip. Also that was the first strip I saw on GoComics and which hooked me to the comic, so... yay :-)


Thank you. I'm really glad to hear that. I'm a bit sad that I didn't document more sketches and roughs from earlier strips. Usually I really enjoy seeing how other artist plan out their art. It puzzles me that I didn't take photos of the progress right off the bat XD I hope you'll enjoy further posts. Some of them are indeed interesting since the actual strip changes a lot throughout the making :)