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Hey guys, I just want to give you a heads up. I'm a bit behind with stuff because I'm currently packed with work. But don't worry, I'm working on the Patreon benefits as well. :)

Meanwhile, little sneak peek of our next comic project and its female lead. I posted about her in the past already, but her proper design just solidify in the past month. So here she is, shoo eyes Mildred in some of her panels for the upcoming comics. naturally I can't show you the whole episode as of yet (mostly because I'm not done coloring it yet >.<") But I thought you'd like to see a preview.

The first panel is her proper design. the other two are just...model shots. Because that's what this gal is doing. She's an online influencer/model.

I'm pretty happy with the project right now but...golly is the coloring time intense. The first episode is meant to be a showpiece so it takes me a bit longer than finishing panels for Kitten/Katzen. And the fact that 'Kitten's' schedule remained weekly instead of the planned bi-weekly is weighing a bit heavy on my atm.

I'm not burning out or anything. So don't be worried but...I'm literally running out of waking hours to do work ^^"

Anyway, hope you like the sneak peek of Mildred. More's coming soon :)




Love the sneak peek and can't wait to read the next comics ! I sincerely hope you're okay


I cannot wait!