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And on today's episode of 'Jokes on you, I'm into this $h!t'....Walter's spells don't work on him XD

I also noticed that the labeling of the early access compared to the WEBTOON labeling is a bit off. This is technically pt10-11. But because these pages are differently parted on Webtoon things are a bit bonkers. I think for the next chapter I have to organize myself a bit better ^^"

This whole scene was actually based on a sketch I did awhile ago, in which Jack wears a bowtie that matches Walter's shirt

(this will also be the end of the chapter illustration. But since it's technically already available on Instagram since last year I felt like sharing it already anyway ^^)

As you already know, Jack's wardrobe is rather....monotone. However I liked the idea that he owns one flamboyant piece, a bowtie, that Walter choose for him because it matches one of his favorite shirts.

I felt working out and drawing the origin of said bowtie for the comic might be a nice bonding between the characters. Jack's being pretty oppressive towards Walter, enforcing his own views rather than letting Wally choose what he actually wants or rather needs. So it's rather cute being Jack taking a step back and contemplating the situation they are both in, imo

Hope you like the pages, next week we'll see the cute clerk lady again ;) 



Serra Britt

Walter is so cute, seriously!


Watching Wally get so into a shirt like that is honestly the cutest thing ever🥺