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OK, once again, if you are following me on any of my socials you probably have seen her already. But since hubby already talked about our next project, yet did not provide any visuals aside of the logo, I might as well post these here.

say 'hi' to Mildred, the female lead to our next comic. Well, it's a proto-design since hubby isn't 100% happy how she looks so far. It's mostly the shape of her eyes.

Not much to say about her yet, she's a bubbly online influencer and pretty popular with her craft. Showing of desert inspired cosplays she created herself. wohoo! XD

For her I was aiming for a mixture of Sedine and Ellie. I wanted an expressive yet sweet heroin. I hope she'll play as such in the final comic. Once the design is finalized I'll post a proper illustration of her :)

Hope you like her ^^





It's just a typo, but there's a big difference between "heroin" and "heroine".