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REMY FELOBO, finally revealed, will be our next comic.  However, there are a few things between us and it: a Katzen-Jammer chapter, the 4th In Security book, and In Security itself (ending workload in a couple weeks).

Tomorrow I begin roughing the comic panels, and I plan to continue @ 5 panels/day across December before speeding up and doing 10/day through the year.  Bea R. will begin pencilling later in December, inks starting somewhere toward the last days of December, and hopefully the very first instances are finished in the first days of January.

It should begin a slow publishing schedule in January, and we will speed up in March and April.  If it fits properly into our schedules, we should be doing 2 or 3 entries per week in April-onward, with about 10-15 panels per entry.  I expect it to publish through June 2024.

There are 30 separate stories, each perhaps 2-6 entires on average.  It's all written and divided into panels.

You'll only be able to find it HERE (early access) and later on WEBTOONS.  We'll reveal designs as we go.  You've seen some photo-Mildred stuff, and people on Twitch saw some rough pencil ideas for REMY himself.

IN SECURITY will continue with a weekly "Sunday" strip through the year.

KATZEN-JAMMER should continue weekly.

KITTEN should also continue weekly.



Serra Britt

I don't understand the title at all and that makes me excited for the content XD

T. I. Masterson

Thank you for the sneak peek m’lord. Give my regards to m’lady. *tips fedora* (Is Remy a Nice Guy™️ fedora man, maybe? Or something else? Either way, I’m intrigued.)


Well, Remy Felobo is the main characters name. He’s a fedora lord and he needs reforming xD Don’t worry, There will be a teaser episode that goes into the premise ^^


Thank you 😊 We’ll, he wears a fedora and plays in the stereo type. But he’s not the nasty version of the ‘nice guy’™️ overall, the comic is not mean spirited. We just too inspiration from the meme and make our own version out of it (together with anime Highschool drama tropes ;))