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Well…being a bit dramatic. But, hey, made you look ;)

But in all seriousness, ‘in SECURITY’ is nearing the finale of its original run of 5 years and I feel it’s only fair to fill you in what’s next.

First of all, thank you so much for your support. My work is mostly reader funded and without your support we would’ve never made it this far. And for this I’m endlessly grateful. Thank you so much.

The series will end with the wrap up of the football arc and a bit of a send off…well, at least the daily run will end. Starting December we will switch to a semi weekly schedule, first by publishing the colored Sunday strips from Patreon. And once we run out of them, the comic will resume with weekly updates.

Five years of daily updates ended up being very exhausting for us. Chasing deadlines became a daily challenge and sadly, due to Newspaper comic strips becoming more and more a medium of the past…the stress didn’t really pay off. For example: ’Kitten’, that publishes far less, earns us nearly as much as ‘in SECURITY’ over on Webtoon. Hence that we want to venture more into the webcomic format and try out new projects.

However, we still have material for ‘in SECURITY’. So, we’ll keep on doing the comic a while longer.

So, about Patreon. There will be some minor changes to the benefits here. Mostly in a positive way, tho.

-$1 tier supporters will still get two pin-up illustrations every month. On top you get early access of the ‘in SECURITY’ comics (at least one month ahead). Instead of one-two full colored comics per month, you’ll get 4! One each Sunday, in high res, without watermarks or such.

-The $3 tier will be reworked into an early access tier. I still will publish some WIPs there. But truth is, not only will I run out of WIPs eventually, I also feel like the WIPs were never that high sought after…instead you’ll get access to early Access of ‘Katzen-Jammer!’ And or next project ‘Remy Felobo’ (I’ll talk about that project in another update. So stay tuned ;))

‘Kitten’ might join the early access with time. But I’m not sure since the writing on that project is a bit chaotic ^^”

-And finally $5 tier. You’ll still get access to at least two full color sketches every week. However, I will try to mix things up a bit. Our Patreon account was originally set up to fund only ‘in SECURITY’. However, new Projects have joined the line up and we’ve got supporters who are here only for one project but not for another. Fair enough. However, I wanna try to cater to all my audience equally. However, I’m only human and my creative output has a limit (found that out the hard way ;_;). So the sketches I’ll provide will vary between all projects. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to not neglect anything or anyone. (Note: I’ll still provide the two NSFW sketches, like I already do. No changes there)

-higher tiers will remain the same. If you signed up there you can request once a year original artwork in form of sketches ($15-tier) or a full comic strip ($20-tier). No changes here at all.

-same goes with the annual merchandise pack. I'll add a couple new items to it, tho. But you can still request that like usual :)

If you have any feedback, positive or negative, don’t shy away from letting me know. I feel like these changes are the best way to progress into the future. But if there’s anything that bothers you or if you have any suggestion, I’m always open for critic :)

Once again, thank you so much for your support. We would've never made it this far without you. Thank you for being here and I hope you keep on enjoying my work.

Thanks a lot



Duke of Derp

Been a supporter for 3+ years now. I love your work and am glad that your projects are moving forward even if my favorite goofy pair's main story is coming to a close. I cannot wait to see what happens next in the newer series. Cheers~

James Buzzanell

Hmmmmmm... Feasibly, if you ever run low on inspiration, you could always ask the Patrons if they have any ideas that could be interesting or that they might want to see. I have a different person I support on Patreon who asks that once every few months (to be fair, they're also mostly NSFW content, but I think the idea has merit in the SFW realm as well). But that's more an option if you run low on ideas for sketches.