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And the third part of that little beach sketch series...with both characters compliment each other, I guess.

When drawing these I had that little scene in mind in which Walter tries to convince Jack to go into the water. However jack refuses because...there are jellyfish in the ocean and they are yucky. 

Well, in the end Walter drags Jack into the water and ensuring him that if Jack gets stung after all...he(Walter) will be there to pee on the sting...ultimately spiking jack's fear for the sea glibber even more XD (does ruin even do anything against the sting of a jellyfish or is that just bull?)

...I don't think this scene will ever make it into the actual comic. But I still like it nonetheless ^^

The second sketch is just a wholesome interaction. actually, remember this little sketch I didn't for the WEBTOON launch?

(sorry for the scroll)

I did this one because when I drew the two for myself their interactions were mostly wholesome. But once I put the comic together I felt it's more entertaining if they go more onto each other's nerves. And suddenly my sketches felt a bit misleading ^^"

I still like it when they are nice and supportive towards each other, tho. And this little cool down sketch is no exception. It's just adorable, imo ^3^ 

so...yeah, hope you like it. Next week the actual early access of the comic will resume. I still have to figure out how many pages I'll provide per update. Sadly I'm not fully done with the chapter. But I do have a backlog big enough to get a solid update schedule until the end of January. So let's see :)

Thanks again and have a wonderful start into the week



Serra Britt

These are so adorable! I do especially love seeing these two together in touching scenes like the second one though :)


A wonderful set of sketches. I can see that you have a special connection to these characters.