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First Patchouli of the event (and he was requested a couple times. Yet here I am, hardly drawing him (despite me liking him a lot ;A;)

Anyway, he was requested on this prompt with the idea of a duke in mind. I originally wanted to do a humorous approach. Like Duke of the dumpster (since he's a stray). But then I thought....nah, my boy deserves better. So instead I aimed for like a elegant portrait style drawing. And...I totally love it X3 He looks. like a character from Genshin *squeal*

Only one regret. I wish I applied the tone on his hair in a different angle. It probably would've worked better if the lighter side of the fade was on top and not below :/

But aside of that I was very pleased how this one turned out. Hope you feel like this too and like the art ^^




Alistair Star

Wow!. Its like looking at him as an alternate universe version of the one we know. Like maybe he was adopted as a baby kitten before all the cats became part human.


He looks very noble, Bea. More like a prince than a duke, actually. Excellent rendition!