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and some 'Katzen-jammer stuff for those who are interested :)

This is a three part sketch dump of some drawings I did last year that are all beach themed. Basically I drew these two in this adorable beach get up and because I liked their outfits so much I ended up drawing them several times like this.

I always meant to publish those drawings on instagram but...I never ended up doing so.

So instead Patreon supporters are getting them. yay :)

This one is technically a double post since the photo rough doesn't really count as a separate sketch. But I thought it looked kinda cool. If you are an artist yourself you probably know the pain when a sketch looks all cute and lively while the line art is all stiff. I don't really have that probable too much with my colored sketches since the pencil sketch remains under the color and lineart...but...it still doesn't have the same feel like the original sketch, imo.

"aw yeah, Megabitches" is a stupid catchphrase my husband came up and we usually use it as an expression of delight over something rather minor (like finding your favorite snack in the store or such). So it has nothing to do with actual...bitches XD

I always wanted to give Walter that very catchphrase for that very expression since it would fit him so well...but I'm a bit worried it might be a tad too crude...Eitherway, I thought it would be funny for this circumstance of this sketch. So...there you have it ^^

There are four more sketches of this theme remaining and I'll post them in the next two weeks. Please forgive me for not releasing them in one big lump. I just feel like, even though I did them for myself last year, they still took me effort and time. And I'm kinda worried that uploading too much artwork in a row will make viewers not appreciate the effort of them (hence that I don't upload too many SIMPtober drawings in one post either)...I hope that makes sense +_+" 




Our boys ready for some down time.

Alistair Star

Hah!😆. That does sound funny. I kinda now want to hear your husband say that.


I think he drops that quite often. Not sure if he ever said it in the stream tho ^^‘