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Little late. But yesterdaT’s SIMPtober drawing…a depiction of a totally realistic nurse…because that’s why healthcare is so pricey in the US…to afford all those oversized syringes ;P

This might be my fav so far. I really like the pastel colors and the pink outlines look so cute on her.

hope you enjoy it too 🤗 




Alright I'll do it. Helloooooo nurse!

Serra Britt

The huge syringes are one large medical cost, certainly. But also remember that the skimpier the outfit, the more expensive it is XD

Michael Minnott

GSDragonic, you went and made me do it... <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ezonRf5lZeI" width="560"></iframe>