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OK, a bit delayed because...my data organization sucks...-_-. 

Actually I don't like making character sheets and...making these two just reminded me why ^^"

But since some readers are interested into some details of the characters (and I won't make a Q&A for a very, very long time...especially since I still have to make one for 'in SECURITY' 0_0")...here we are ^^

Please don't judge me. It was actually pretty difficult to choose what to reveal and what not. A lot of the mentioned details might sound really unimportant (and they probably are). But I feel like more important details belong into the comic itself. so...these sheets are more or less fun facts, I suppose :/

The illustrations were test renders of the characters for the comic. I used a different inking tool and was also considering not detailing Jack's suit, making him a solid black silhouette. 

I thought it might be a cool idea because that way I could safe some time drawing the characters. well, in the end I ended up using the same settings and styles like I already use in 'Kitten'...and spend about as much time drawing them. no time has been saved...at. all.  :(

But then again, I'm happy how the comic looks. So...yeah, I guess I'd rather do it proper than cutting corners. But still, those test drawings were nice enough that I didn't want to hide them. and since they are on model...onto the sheets they go.

I also wanted to add another couple sheets with fun facts about the origin of my two cat sons, together with the original sketches/designs I did of them for 'Kitten'...but I misplaced my files of said sketches and probably have to rescan them. Hence the upload of this post was so late.

But we still have 6 weeks until the first pages of Chapter2 are due so...I think I have a few more opportunities sharing some exclusive content with ya :)

Thanks again for supporting this project. Next week onward I'll start posting some sketches for 'Katzen-Jammer!' I hope you're looking forward for them ^^ 



Serra Britt

I love these! Seeing the like/dislike lists are great ♥


Thanks for filling in some of the blanks on these guys, Bea! Although, if I remember right, you could add under Jack's dislikes "anyone mispronouncing his last name". (For those who don't know, it's supposed to be "ON-ger", with the "A" pronounced like the English short "o" in "cot".) I remember from his first interactions with Rupi in "Kitten" that it's kind of a hot-button thing with him.