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well...we made it :D The first chapter of 'Katzen-Jammer!' is over. and I hope Alistair Star is happy to finally see a hug...well, it's a head nudge. But close enough ^^

As you can tell by now "Katzen-Jammer!" is a different beast compared to 'in SECURITY' or 'Kitten'. I was contemplating to make this comic gag driven (since I had a lot of gag material). In the end I decided to go more into a story, or rather character driven story. So while there will be plenty of comedy in this series...expect a lot of drama as well ^^

A lot to unpack here and I'm not sure if I should unpack it or rather let the audience figure stuff out...So if you rather make up your own mind, feel free to skip the next part :)

Ok, so one thing I kinda dislike is when people boil jack down to a mama's boy. I mean, I'm not pissed at the jokes or such. I just always think it undermines his character and his relationship to his foster mother. 

You see, Jack is hard to love since he's kinda narrow minded and demands things going his way with zero tolerance. However if he does love someone he loves them from the depth of his heart, in the purest form possible. And that's the case with his mother. She loved him for who he is, with all his flaws. And he adored her deeply. However once he knew he'd lose her it essentially meant his world will end and there's nothing he can do to prevent that.

Remember when he said he somehow felt her death was coming? It's said that (some) cats (perhaps animals in general?) can sense someone's passing. That's the case with Jack. he knew it was inventible and he could only brace himself. By that point Walter was still with them and once he announced that he's gonna go and travel, jack had the choice to go with Wally and run away from his hardship ....or to stay by his mother's side. Apparently he chose staying by her...but the grief was more than he bargained for. Hence that he voices his whole desire that he never had to live through this kind of burden (even though it was the right thing to do)

Granted, the third option would've been to open up to Walter and asked him not to leave. But that's not Jack. Pride and denial got in the way. On top of that he's not the type of person who likes to show himself as vulnerable...a scheme you'll see more often through this comic.

I think it's such a gut wrenching idea that the right choice don't guarantee a good outcome for yourself, which is unfortunately how life goes. Walter reinsuring Jack that he did good despite the pain and comforting him is such a bro moment...I kinda like that...But then again, Walter knows how it feels...

Anyway, I'll be taking a short break from this comic and Chapter 2 will start updating on Patreon in November. Meanwhile I'll post some extra material like unpublished sketches and character sheets, sharing some fun facts about my two cat sons ^^

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this project despite it being so different compared to our other two comics :3 



Nick Klepac

Great story line. I love it. I love your insight and perspective.


Walter said exactly what Jack needed to hear, I wish I had a friend like Walter 🥲