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Le Gasp! The drama! 0O0"

Also, the cat's out of the back and..Walter is taking it somewhat well...

I know that 'but she was always old'-thing may come off as a bit insensitive. But, hear me out! When I was younger I also thought people where born, well, old. I know it's a ridiculous way of thinking. But it was really hard for me to imagine that sweet old Granny Else down the street used to be a wild young child at one point too. apparently by a certain age you understand that people age and change. and it probably does sound silly that someone may think people were always old (or that we can always stay young). But then again...there are plenty of kids online who act like they invented teenage angst...so maybe it's more common than I might think? I dunno. Either way I can imagine that Walter would foster a mindset like this too, in which he kinda expect everyone to be and stay the way he left them...at least to some degree...

Trigger warning! Medical talk! (please skip this paragraph if something like this makes you feel uncomfy)

 Also, feel free to rake me over the coals about a person dying of heart failure. I'm not sure how long it takes for a person to die of that (hence that I didn't specify how long Miss Mechthild's last days went on). But...I'm pretty sure she should've been on a ventilator...which I didn't drew in the prologue :( If this comic ever gets a print version I will probably add that detail, together with an IV etc...I think I kinda jumped the gun on that scene not fully knowing what jack's mom actually died off when I started drawing the comic...on top it's very depressing to research this subject. Reading up on Ghosts and serial killers is one thing. But health related issues...that just awakes the hypochondriac in me and the endless fear of 'what if my pump gives out like...RIGHT NOW!!!!'


'A cat's prayer won't reach the heavens' or 'Katzengebet himmelt nicht' is an old proverb and...it's kinda tough to find what it actually means. So far I only found one source that claims it means 'no big deal' or 'it doesn't matter'. I guess it's meant in a way of 'god has no time to deal with the whining of a critter/cat'. So maybe it's to be interpret as 'don't cry over small issues', or maybe 'your whining doesn't mean anything to me'? I'm not sure. However, I like the saying itself (because, cats, duh XD). But in this content it adds a bit sadness to Jack and his whole situation and mindset (even though the chance is very high I didn't utilize the proverb correctly....but you get my drift :))

Also, two more parts and the first chapter is complete, yay. Although, Spoiler....I did not enjoy writing the next part and was not looking forward drawing it either. I think it turned out well but...it might nudge Jack a tap down from being a fan favorite. let's see what y'all think :)

Thanks for reading ^^




I gotta disagree strongly with Jack. My belief is that God hears the pleas of ALL of His creatures, great and small. Just because they morphed into humanoids in that universe certainly wouldn't change that; I would think, if anything, that would put them on par with humans (since they're now sapient and have souls) as needing His salvation also. But I'm delving into theology here; even so, that's my 2 cents.

James Buzzanell

I can certainly understand Walter's perspective. I mean, I didn't realize people could gain and lose weight as a child, and my mom was skinny - and I'm an only child (some of you may guess where this is heading). Therefore, every time she gained a little bit of a belly, I automatically assumed she was pregnant! I really wanted a sibling, and obviously had no idea how that worked (or, at that time, how lucky I actually was to be born - it took my parents nine years of trying before I was born, so the odds of getting a sibling were far, far lower than I ever knew). I literally asked if she was pregnant probably at least twenty or thirty times over the course of my childhood. In the same manner, I don't really have any memories of my grandparents not being old, and they didn't really "age" during my childhood (at least, not that I recall), so if I was asked about how they were as kids. I would probably say exactly the same thing!