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My apologies for the late post. I was sure I scheduled this episode but...either I pushed the wrong button and deleted it or Patreon glitched...or maybe I simply thought I posted it while in reality I didn't (oh golly, that's not a good sign X_X)

Anyway, next batch of pages of 'Katzen-Jammer!'. Reunion pt2. yay!

not much to say about this one. I mean, the pages are pretty self explaining, I guess ^^

Dialogue wise tho...I do have a couple remarks ^^

'Gottverdammmich' means literally 'god, damn me'. It's something my dad used to say a lot when he got angry over something. It's a pretty unique word, but I was hesitant using it for Jack since it's also a self curse. however, it feel like it is the type of language he'd use if angered or frustrated. My plan however is to wean him off of using it with time and hopefully soften his vocabulary a tad...

The nice little word wall about his troubles of finding folks to work at the carwash was curtesy of my husband. It's essentially Jack's way of saying 'I'm too finicky to get along with' and I'm happy hubby helped me on the phrasing there :)

And finally...the 'sugar t!ts' remark (I really, really love this panel, btw). I drew this page on stream a couple month's ago and originally Walter was saying 'B!tch, I'm in'. But I felt that sounded a tad too crass. So I asked hubby what more family friendly wording we could use...well, in goofing around matters he through in the word 'sugar t!ts'...which is actually worse than 'b!tch'...but it's totally something Walter would say >.<" And the fact he says it on the verge of falling apart due to the relief he's not getting kicked to the curb makes it even better (for a lack of better terms).

So I just had to stick to that phrase. It's just...so him...

I kinda need to be more careful with the language, tho. Walter is kinda crass and casual....but I don't want it to become too raunchy.

On Webtoon that word will be censored and replaced with 'Sugar bun', btw.    



Julius J. Marold

Artists (picture or print) paint their characters with vocabulary. It's obvious that Walter has been out on the street (skid row, we used to say) so his vocabulary would be pretty rough but he might try cleaning it up for Jack. That too would help define who he is. Cleaning up any vocabulary to please the publisher takes away from the character's image and is censorship, self or otherwise. If you believe children are reading this, though I don't think this would appeal to them, then limiting what your characters say is reasonable. But it does take away from the overall ambience of the story.


Thank you so much. I'm happy the character comes across that way, since that's exactly what I had in mind for him :). Sadly, I don't even think the target audience matters. It's not a kid's comic, I'm not even sure if PG13 is still a tad low. But since it's publicly accessible on Webtoon, for the sake of their advertisement partners, everything needs to be squeaky clean. Which sucks because you can't really express the full spectrum of a story/character (especially if said character is not meant to be a good guy. But that's a different story :/) Btw. I meant to reply to your comment on the other entry a couple weeks ago, about the soldering. Something similar has happened to me too, not solder, but a hot gun shell. Hubby once took me to a shooting ranch and dummy me wore a shirt with a wide collar. Nobody came to harm but...people learned a few new fun words XD (the burn wasn't too bad, btw. But still unpleasant ^^")


Dummkopf is one of my favorite insults now lol. Walter certainly is one but who's the more dense one in this relationship?