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As I said, the updates get shorter. Next one will be only two pages 0_0" (Not because I'm getting lazy, but the length of episodes varies according to where I can separate them the most logical. So don't worry, the episodes shall get longer again :))

Also, sorry for the cussing. I actually don't really like when characters cuss. As a matter of fact, I don't really like myself cussing either (even though I drop the f-bomb more than I should :() However, I feel like it kinda fits Walter since he looks to me like someone who speaks rather unsanitized and rar. However, if it bothers you a lot, feel free to let me know. I'll try to keep crass language at a minimum. But if it's still bothersome I'll consider dropping it altogether and look for less vulgar alternatives :)

In Germany we have the saying 'like a cat that sneaks around the hot porridge' which refers to a person who avoids a subject and acts kinda suspicious and secretive. I was thinking of that saying when drawing these panels because...that's exactly what Wally is doing here. I plan on dropping a reference to what happened to him somewhere into each and every chapter (if I can). One is apparently in these pages, hinting to whatever happened (or whatever he did), it had a negative effect on not only him but also others...that's being said, I'm a total sucker for the 'comedic relief turns tragic' trope ^^"

I'm super, duper proud of the last panel. My aim was to draw Walter in a way that the readers can smell him...I'm not sure if that's a good thing tho XD Thing is, he's actually a very handsome man...but...it's not visible under all this grime :(

(Guess cars aren't the only thing that need some cleaning...)




Alistair Star

Ouch. Talk about a reality check. I might actually say that on webtoons too when this chapter is released.

Jeffry L Manion

There is nothing wrong with using salty language judiciously as long it is used in context in the story. Dropping f-bombs for "shock effect" has become hackneyed since that word no longer has any significance in today's world. Hell when working in the oil fields in Wyoming we used it as a comma. There are other words that would not be a good idea and I will leave them to your imagination.


This is rounding out to be one of my favorite toons. The dialog between these two is priceless.


If used well foul language is fine, it's when peppered in excessively is when I would have an issue. So far this is a great comic and look forward to where you take us on this comic.

Denis Gehlhaar

Wow! I love the Panels and the Storytelling! Great Work!

Julius J. Marold

When an expletive belongs, it should be used. Some of the world's greatest authors used them when they were appropriate to the story. In this case, you're right. They fit. As a (now retired) sailor, "salty language" has been a part of my life. I don't use the words often but when I think it's necessary, out they come. Like when a piece of molten solder went down my shirt and stuck to my chest. And my Chief said "see, I told you to button your collar".

Nick Klepac

No, an occasional cuss word is fine. It is when folks use it so much you begin to wonder if they know any normal words at all.

Nick Klepac

And yes, you can smell him, very realistic. Amazing!

Serra Britt

I agree with everyone else, I don't think it's inappropriate at all unless he starts using foul language in a way that no longer makes conversational sense -- if that makes sense at all? Love these panels though, even if Wally STINKS :D

Jeremy Roberson

Walter definitely smells bad so well done. Honestly I think he smells worse than my 9-year-old farting and running.

Steve Harrell Rally

"Is this piece of shit me??" Me to the mirror every morning 😂