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We are talking about food, right? 0_0

Yay, made a Sunday comic in time ^0^

This time with husband's lettering and inking, restoring our Sundays back to its usual quality (I try to give him another Sunday to ink because I really wish them to look like this and not...made by guest artist Bea XD

The joke is pretty straight forward. Roy just being Roy (gee, we have a lot of Roy centric Sundays 0_0...Gotta put some Sedine back in the mix)

The joke itself was born out of word of wisdom from my...husband. I don't know what exactly we were talking about. Obviously it was cheesecake. But I don't know what led up to that conversation. Anyway, at one point, being all serious, he just told me that he's not capable of eating a whole cheesecake in one sitting, like he used to...And...he said that in such a dramatic way as if that was an ability that actually was important for his daily life XD

(I mean, we are all adult and you can eat as much cheesecake as you want. But...I don't think there is anything wrong with sticking only to one or two pieces at a time ;))

Either way, I thought it sounded hilarious so....we had to immortalize it in this comic. Hope you like it and have a wonderful Sunday



Christopher Vickers

One slice from the Cheesecake Factory is enough for me, lol.

Philip Rauschert

It's amazing how many of those day to day exchanges go into our creative work. A conversation I had with my wife yesterday is going into my book.


aw, I miss Cheesecake Factory. Last time I had cake from them was like two years ago :( But I don't think there is one left in my current region so...yeah, red lobster cheesecake has to do it :(


That's the spirit! :D I feel like that's the best way to create relatable and realistic characters. So, yeah, personally speaking I'm always happy for gems like this one ^^