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And...here we go. The first of two new comic projects for this year: "Katzen-Jammer!"

If you followed my stream you already got a bit of a sneak peek of this project. But here is the final product. Yay!

I did originally not plan on making a spin off with these two guys. But I fell so much in love with them that daydreaming and writing for them was too much fun to just let these ideas drift off into the aether.

Unlike 'Kitten' and 'in SECURITY' this project will be more story oriented. I aim for a sitcom style with 13 episodes or in this case chapters. Each will be it's own story or situation but some partial lead to each other (In other words they need to be read in order. But I think that's a no brainer ^^")

I will also try my luck with 'early access' through Patreon. So you can read the newest episode basically two weeks in advance before it's published on Webtoon. I will see how well I can keep this up. If I have to pause I will let you know in advance :)

About the episode itself. This is merely the prologue and...it kinda speaks for itself. Little fun fact 'a lick and a promise' is the English translation to the German word 'Katzenwaesche' (which is also the name of Jack's car wash). The term means a light rub down of the body. So 'a lick and a promise' can be interpreted as 'I give myself a quick sponge down and promise to get a proper bath later'...I guess ^^

Anyway, hope you like the comic and the next episode comes next Sunday :D 



Alistair Star

Wow. I didn't expect the beginning to be so sad. Poor Jackie😢. Also, after going back to the beginning of InSecurity (for a reason) last Tuesday I saw that page 13 has the same episode name as this comic. So I'm going to guess that maybe this is where you got this comic's name, didn't you bea.r?


A feline version of “The Odd Couple”?


Katzenjammer is one of my favourite bands.

Denial Leon

Oh! Oh! OH! is that one of those fortune coins! Seems familiar!


Is it next Sunday yet? I can't wait that long.


Looks interesting


I'm so fricken excited omg

Serra Britt

Woo! I'm looking forward to this :D


Thank you. Yeah, the comic starts a bit on a downer. That will be (unfortunately) the underlying theme of the whole first chapter, although I try to lighten it up with some jokes in between (it is a comedy after all ^^") But Chapter two onward it's more lighthearted and the darker/serious themes take more a backseat :)


About your question, I just really liked the word and therefore used it already in 'in SECURITY'. That's pretty much it ^^. The original title of this spin off comic was 'a tux and a king' (Like the one chapter in 'Kitten'. But we felt it was not iconic enough. So I went with 'Katzen-Jammer!' instead :)


Jep, pretty much. I plan on adding a few references to the movie in this comic. I mean, for once, the main characters are named after Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon (and their respective roles) and Jack's apartment is the same floor Oscar's was (I just have to find the line were it was mentioned, to get it right XD) But, yeah, I like the trope and I'll go full blast on it :))

James Buzzanell

This looks so interesting! I can't wait to read more!

Philip Rauschert

Early access.... I DREAM of early access. *grins* Well it's not THAT important but that's one of the fun things about Patreoning my fav artists. You get rewarded for stuffing the tip jar on occasion.


I don't know why but I read one part like Hank from King of the Hill 😂