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And an 'in SECURITY' sketch. Don't want to neglect our lovely ladies over here :)

This was more or less a practice piece. I wanted to see if I can blend Posca pen. In the past I apparently did that here and there (mostly by going over a darker color with the white pen). But I never tried that for larger areas. So I did here and...it doesn't really work that well. Foe smaller areas, where you can blend the colors while they are still wet, it's possible. But large areas...nope, better use watercolor for that again ^^

The clouds I originally wanted to draw properly but...my pen blobbed paint onto the piece (thankfully in the sky) and when I soaked it up with a tissue I thought I might as well dap the clouds. That was fun. But once again, Posca aren't too great for that...or I'm not practiced enough.

I really like how the streetlights look, especially those that fade away in the distance (I need to do more effects like this). And the brush pen lineart looks pretty sweet too, imo.

Hope you like it :)



Jesse Miller

Street lights look great and that's a beautiful sunset!

Alistair Star

I am more of a sunset & dusk kind of guy so. Lovin' this lovely stroll. Er sketch.

Nick Klepac

Very nice. You mention all these problems and I see a beautiful picture with amazing touches. Bugs around the lights, fading lights, a cool sunset and one heck of a pretty lady. Great job!


The flowing dress and hat kinda give Sedine a "Southern Belle" vibe. Very nice, Bea; and thanks for sharing this with us!

Serra Britt

"I had all these problems doing this and that!" And yet, as Bob Ross might say, they were happy little accidents and all worked out for a very beautiful picture :)

Philip Rauschert

Nice piece, there's something 'Broadway' about it.


Thanks, I'm glad you noticed those small details with the moths. As annoying as they are in real life, they are quite neat visually ^^


Thank you. Now I mildly feel bad for whining over all the issues I had with this sketch XD. I'm happy you like it :)

Serra Britt

Nah, don't feel bad! I'm just trying to put things in perspective. What your experience is rarely translates directly to what the viewer might see ♥