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And the WIPs of the introduction of the team...well...kinda. First sneak peeks on the coach, Mugg and Spork.

It was kinda funny how people thought that any of these three (if not all of them) will be antagonists while in reality...they had Hubb's back all along. Even the coach, as shady as he might appear here, was always kinda meant as a father character. Hence that you can see him in one of the later strips rushing towards a distraught Kenuggy and prior to that reinsuring. Spoiler, the coach and Ellie will have their showdown because...he's not giving up his quarterback to an angry wife ;)

Designwise, having the coach in a classy attire was my husbands idea. I actually didn't know that this was their usual get ups...until they became walking billboards for Nike and other sportswear (can we please return to, at least suits, pls?)

Hope you like the WIPs, Mino sketch coming up next, in the next couple days :) 



Alistair Star

Ok, I read the spoiler alert. BUT I'm just gonna take it as like a commercial that explains what the next new episode of a TV show is.

Nick Klepac

Yea, that was a surprise those two actually stood up for him. I really like this arc.


Yeah, I remember your comment, questioning them why they are jealous of Hubb's bonus :P I think people were very eager to look for antagonists in this whole arc, which is cool. I mean, conflict drives story, right ^^