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And...some Mino sketches. 

The other day I went through my sketchbooks because I had to send some out. Anyway, I stumbled over some sketches I basically started but never finished...for...whatever reason (I guess for two of the three sketches here it was because they were too smexy?  :/)

Anyway, they weren't bad so...I just took my time and finished them today. Originally I wanted to do them digitally because it's faster...But copic has more of a sketch and elegant feeling. So...change of plan.

I regret nothing ^^

The last one can be downloaded uncensored in the attachment. I don't think they are necessarily NSFW since it's a rather mild motif. You know, nothing that's meant to be arousing...at least I kinda view it like that...but just in case for those who don't want to see full nudity like this :3

Hope you like them



Geo's Stuff Prime

3rd image reminds of the cover for gravity rush

Mark Collins

Where do cat people’s tails attach? Mino’s seems to move up and down her back a bit.

Julius J. Marold

Nice Bea. And thanks for the attachment. So, did she eat the mouse?


Lovin' my favorite catgirl, Bea! Thanks so much for sharing!

Nick Klepac

Mino is amazing, thanks.



Serra Britt

Mino is just so playful! Always fun to see different sides of her.