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two chibis, not of the same series but kinda similar thematic so I felt like I post them together ^^

I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but just in case and for context...I'm currently drafting on a spin off to 'Kitten' with the focus on Wally and Jack (because they are lovely and I have way too much material to funnel it into kitten....and I don't want to let it go to waste either, lol). 

A good prep work for projects like this is to collect images with props or stuff that represents the aesthetic of the characters or their environment. That way you get, as creator, a better feeling who the characters supposed to be and it makes them a lot livelier as well. We did that for 'in SECURITY', I failed to do it for 'Kitten' but now I'm doing it for this project.

because of Jackie's skin I felt like he probably doesn't like the sun and would have at least one casual parasol and...after googling for images (and wondering what the visual differences between a parasol and an umbrella is-spoiler: there aren't really one XD) I fell in love with the image of him using a parasol on sunny days, I just had to draw a chibi of him with one

While drawing I felt like a motif like this would be cute for Sedine too. And, first I had one of those really ornate frilly parasols in mind for her but....those details XoX

So instead...umbrella with Washi Tape pattern.  It's kinda cute. although I tried to go for a more chibish style...but I defaulted back to my usual style. Can't get out of my skin ^^"

Hope you like them



Alistair Star

A spin-off with Jackie & Wally!. I'd watch that. Is it going to be on webtoons or is it like the occasional colored comics of InSecurity on patreon?

Julius J. Marold

Sedine's chibi is very cute. Umbrellas are usually opaque as the two here are. Parasols are usually translucent - some light gets through but you can't see through them. I think it's unusual for a cat (or former cat) not to like the sun. :o)

Julius J. Marold

Regarding my "umbrellas" comment, I wasn't counting those cheap plastic umbrellas or the ones with little windows in them. I think they are in a category all by themselves.


(Mr. H) That's what I want to know, as well. She's currently working on a mass of stories for it... I was developing a central idea she could use for a "season" of stories centering around the idea of Jackie's perfect love. Where this is going is amorphous, and I live under the same roof as BeaR!! We also came up with an alternate idea for something not related to any other idea we are doing, and I wrote out 17 of 26 ideas so far. Most likely that will be done later this year when IN SECURITY winds down the football arc. So how the cat boys figure in.... that will be a surprise for all of us. I think she should just do Jack stories under Kitten for a while and see how they go.


Well it will be on Webtoon as it's own story. The characters will remain in 'Kitten' tho. I'm still in the drafting process but I gave myself the deadline of April to have the comic completely written and organized (with some wiggle room ^^). That's probably when I start doing layout and designs. so publishing date might be later in the summer. I'm really excited tho. But since 'in SECURITY' and 'Kitten take up so much time I have to approach that as a pet project and merely work on it whenever I have time. Hence that the actual release date is fairly late. I'm also a bit secretive about it because...well, I'm worried it get's rejected before I start drawing and all my enthusiasm is down the drain. I actually would love to talk about it and the characters more but...yeah, better wait and fangirl out on my own before I get bummed or anything ^^"


I think so too. Apparently, unless we talk about paper parasols, or the ones lolitas have, the only difference is really the material. One is meant to withstand water and rain. while the other just has to block sun. It's a bit awkward because where I currently live is hardly any rain and I have seen people with 'umbrellas'...until I realized they are parasols XD It looks kinda funny, tho. A person with an umbrella in the desert...yet, it's strangely intriguing ^^" About Jack, it's more due to his skin. I'm no expert on vitiligo but tried to get it fairly right. One thing is that the areas that don't have pigments are super sensitive to sunlight. So I felt someone who has this skin condition would probably have a complex skincare and also other methods to keep themselves from getting burned. hence he doesn't like the sun...at least not direct sunlight ^^

Serra Britt

Chibis are almost always cute and these two are especially so! Also excited for the Wally and Jack spinoff XD


Thank you ^^. I'm also happy you are excited. I'm nearly done thumb nailing the first chapter. Wohoo!!! But the actual drawings will take forever since...it's really a pet project and has the lowest priority atm. But I'm really excited myself ^^