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I once again asking you to look at my beautiful cat son 🥺

(My obsession with this character is not healthy at this point....)

In my defense, this is actually an older drawing, that was half finished on my tablet, I needed a pin up fast and...Jackie is just fun to draw (besides we have folk in this audience who appreciate to look at a beautiful man once in awhile too so...there ya go XD)

In the original draft he actually had an open shirt, exposing his upper body. But...unlike Charlene, this dude has no wild side and would probably not pose like this half naked unless he was forced...or hypnotized ...and I'm not going down that road...yet

So instead I settled for a more elegant outfit but kept that flirty pose. 

Bunny suit, because it's the default.  This is just me speaking but...I personally find the more covering bunny suits for men a lot more attractive than the ones with shorts and no shirts. I dunno why. I guess it's because it combines the eroticism of the bunny outfit with proper suits which are...just really hot on their own. Even though you technically don't see anything. I mean, there is nothing sexual about a suit. But...man, guys just look amazing in suits and...that's just that, I guess XD 

Sorry for the ramble.

Anyway, thank you for your support. I hope you like the male pin for a change. In January it will be Mino's and Sedine's turn again and, guess what, 2022 is the year of the Tiger. So I definitely gotta do something with that *0*

Have a happy New year and see ya in 2022 ^^




I joined just so I could see my beautiful cat-mans, Jack has hippity-hopped to the top of my character list~