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And the last post for tonight (I should space out my postings more thoughtful >.<)

The trucker arc. An old idea which I could've never done in the beginning of the strip....because the truck is a CGI model and I didn't use models in the beginning and would've lost my mind drawing the darn thing over and over again @_@

In the original idea I had Sedine in a tank top, with mini skirt and high heels driving the truck. Hubby however changed that (very impractical outfit) to her default old outfit. I kinda would've preferred her sexy trucker baby outfit but...I guess it's more canon with the 'AL-outfit'

gabby....was not properly seated in the truck and, this time, I'm totally aware of it. But we needed to place her in the cap in a way where she is properly visible. But...yeah, don't keep your kids on you lap while being in a driving vehicle....

Bonus, The 'NFU' strip was done back in 2016. If you compare it to the other roughs you probably see that it has a different feel to it. We kinda used it as our motivator, like a carrot infant of a donkey, to keep us motivated to make it to the football arc (although I feel more like that it was like a feared end boss in a video game and I'm sure looking at it still to this day XD

Hope you like it :)



Nick Klepac

Loved this arc. I could see her as a truck driver.

Philip Rauschert

Yeah, this one definitely one of the more amusing and fitting arcs. She's doing something nice for a friend and she's doing something she's familiar with. And yes, I must say your Hubbs was right on that one. Yeah, she would have looked cute as all get out in the tank top and miniskirt, BUT the jeans are way more believable as a trucking ensemble.