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...or, why is Gabby not aging? *X-files theme starts playing*

Actually, even more interesting...how does Gabby communicate with Al...telepathy? *X-files theme starts playing once more*

Continuing arc of the original church baby, inspired by...well....squealing babies at the church service..I'm sure they are mentoring each other. How else do you explain that they squeal the loudest at the most important part? *X-files theme*

...I see myself out...



Nick Klepac

I love Gabby, she is cute.

Philip Rauschert

When my wife and I were newly married, every single Church Baby would net stares of disapproval from us on the ground that their parents obviously didn't know how to teach their babies how to behave in a sanctuary. When we had our first and only daughter? Suddenly we didn't notice any crying whatsoever. And likewise couldn't understand all the stares we were getting. Who'd have thunk it?


So you are saying the church babies were judging you? Maybe they were Karens in training, I dunno XD. Sounds kinda cute tho ^^