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Sorry for the delay. As you may know I returned back to work last week and prepared new episode for 'Kitten' and 'in SECURITY'. I'm also getting Patreon stuff ready and try to keep enough resting time in between. It's a tad challenging but...I'm working on a healthier schedule to make sure I get better rest and more time for myself/other hobbies...

Anyhow, A Michaela arc. Micha is kinda like the black horse of the strip. We neglect her a lot, but when she gets her time in the spotlight she's usually really appreciated. Not gonna lie but...I have no idea why ._."

I mean, I have other popular characters in both of my comics and I understand why people enjoy (or don't enjoy) them. But Micha's appreciation is a true mystery to me.

I don't hate her but...I also never really know what to do with her either (Hubby is usually responsible for her jokes and arcs.

Either way, if you lover,  good for you because...she'll have a lot more time to shine in coming strips :) 



Went Brown

I can understand Ellie's freak out over that black widow spider.

Jeffry L Manion

Probably my top two favorite characters in the strip. Sedine is the other. Both are impulsive and strange. I like that in a person. I love all the characters in the comic. It's funny, a bit odd and extremely well drawn. Worth the 5 bucks a month.