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...at least that's where I'm at atm XD

Cutsy Sedine enjoying the last days of sun. At least where I live it starts to get a bit...fallish. Oh no ;A; 



Serra Britt

One of the great things about artwork is the wide variety of clothes! I really love the frilly bikini top and sarong here.

Alistair Star

Speaking as someone with a rather boring life, I've always gone to my own little world. Also reminds me of Katy Perry's song "chained to the rhythm".


Love it, Bea! And yeah, having been out to your neck of the woods this time last year, I can surely understand. And that wind out there gets NAAAAASTY.


I would love it if you were to start selling prints of some of these =D

Nick Klepac

Very nice. You guys get fallish weather and we are still in the high 90's here in Florida.


Thank you. I really enjoy drawing these too. I just wish I had more time browsing through fashion catalogs these days. I feel like I'm currently not draw as much cute outfits as I used to ;A;


Thank you. I have to check out that song, I don't think I know that one 0_0"


Oof, seriously. although this year we were lucky. I think that's the first time where we had no bigger storms. They are always really scary :< I'm happy you like it tho, I mean the drawing ^^


Thank you so much. I don't really have anything like this yet planned. Maybe an art book. But that's a bit questionable atm ^^


Lucky you. Tempts are getting a tad higher now. But you can feel that summer is over now. sigh :/