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Was this comic just an excuse to draw Sedine as Tinkerbell...maybe <,<"

Ok, another old comic that probably could've needed a couple more panels for a set up...believe it or not, I'm actually running low on older ideas. I thought my sketchbooks would last me into all eternity but...nah (but then again, I also scrapped a lot of strips that just don't work anymore or need heavy reworking. guess I need to sit down and write asap (just wish my head wasn't so empty ;A;)

Thanks again to Serra Britt who did the flats for this comic as well (I'll shot you a mail with the next two as soon as I get to it ^^)

Hope you like the little bit of fan service :)



Went Brown

Well.......... He just dug his own grave.


Leave it to a family member to go out of their way to find a way to annoy you 😂