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My apologies for the missing Sunday post. I'm a bit behind with my Patreon updates, atm due to workload ;A: (spoiler: we will (temporarily)  move later this year. so I'm currently pump out two more strips per week than usually so we can build a bit of a backlog and...it's hell of a challenge ^^. But we are working on it. I will probably post the Sunday comic within this week and then you'll get the two pin ups later this month. Don't worry, I'm on it 💪

Meanwhile, the sketch that was meant to be posted...yesterday.

Not sure if the censoring was needed. There is literally...nothing underneath that heart. But out of respect towards those who don't want to be exposed to too much nudity, here the censored version and uncensored is in the attachment. But, don't keep your hopes up, there really isn't anything ^^"

I was originally aiming for a white dress with a see through scarf. But while sketching I thought her nude looks rather pretty (it's so rare to get a good booty shot ;A;)

So I settled for this instead. ^^"

Hope you like it and have a wonderful start into the week :)




Nick Klepac

Very nice and so cute. Love the see through effect. Very adorable butt:), very nice indeed. Well actually all of her is very nice.

Steve LaFave

Reminds me of my beautiful wife.

Alistair Star

Very beautiful. Also, who's Adam?


So is it now canon that Sedine doesn't have nipples?

Jeremy Roberson

Even though you said it, I had too look at the attachment. Funny how the mind works.

Serra Britt

Quite lovely! I'm glad you went this direction ♥


Great work as usual, Bea! And as you'd mentioned a while ago, it's often just easier to draw nudes, too. Clothes do take time to draw, and you'd mentioned, IIRC, that everyone is basically sketched in "nude" to start with, and clothing details added later.

Bazile Nicolas

With that name, I first thought "Oh, a Hubbs pin-up I guess", I was far off, Sedine is always appreciated noneless, the "transparency" of the veil works for me.