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I feel like it doesn't matter what I do with this babes atm, people kinda like to hate her :/

At this point, it feel like I'd have an easier time redeeming Mino's previous partner...and he literally cracked Mino's skull open in a blind fit of rage (wait, wasn't that supposed to be a comedy?! 0o0") I'm sorry, Ellie, I have failed you as writer ;A;

...well....at least she's still fun to draw (the next months will be so frustrating for everyone....I guess)

PS.: not trying to dismiss those who criticize her and her behavior. I mean, she clearly did wrong. I just feel a bit overwhelmed about her. guess lesson learned...



Jeremy Roberson

I'm still on book two but this definitely has my interest peaked.

Jesse Miller

Embrace her regardless of audience reactions. You have so many wonderful characters including her. Also amazing drawing. Absolutely love it!

Alistair Star

I'm sure once hubbs returns everyone will love her again. Personally I don't hate her. I mean, sure she tried to take away his things and his time...and his...dreams....but they're first time parents so...she'll learn her lesson. I definitely learned lessons after my half-brother was born. Like the meaning of "they grow up so fast".

Serra Britt

She's never really been my favorite character but I can't say that I hate her. And I will never say no to pinups of her!


I've seen the rage in the comic comments, at the moment it's deserved since she drove hubbs away, but I think once they get back together she'll be back in the fan's good grace. All I can say is buckle up because she's going to be hated for a while


Ellie is just over-the-top ditzy, and has the usual exaggerated level of air-headedness one would expect to see in a comedic comic-strip character. It's just hard to hate on a character who's that comically clueless. (If it were IRL, that would be VERY different, I assure you. Context is everything!) Hubbs' character is a similar situation. It's a COMIC, for Pete's sake, so we should expect it to be nonsensical and hyperbolic. And Hubbs can hardly be held blameless for this situation, either; being yellow-bellied enough to walk out on her instead of having the guts to just put his foot down. And I'm pretty sure that the money coming in is from Hubbs; it's just a matter of whether or not Ellie uses it wisely... so far, evidently not so much... 💸 Excellent artwork as usual, BTW. 👍🏻

Mike K.

She’s currently eclipsed Roy in the “Most Hated” category, but hate does not necessarily translate to disinterest. ☝️✨ ( Plus, opinion can turn on a dime. ) 😉✨

Bazile Nicolas

I don't feel her reactions were out of character, if anything it's just that the events that happened leaned towards liking her despite how she was, and now it's the other way around. At most, she might just be confused and clueless (that's Ellie after all) about the fact she was in the wrong, since she didn't "change" per say. Her world kinda went on fire while she didn't do anything different that "would cause it", what she doesn't understand is that she didn't prevent it either. At least that's my take on it, an innocent girl that looks like a brat but didn't really change. I mostly hope she will realize, and that Hubbs will also act like he should as well. love the drawing btw.

Nick Klepac

Nice picture. It will be nice with Ellie and Hubbs get back together. Todays comic shows Al screaming in joy for his dad! Now we will gave to be patient as Ellie, slow as she is, figures out what is wrong and fixes it. Lots of folks slammed me for hating Ellie. I don't, I just can't stand women with her stupidity. I went through a horrible divorce with a beautiful woman just like her. Believe it or not, our kids are great and she and I are actually friends now. We didn't stay together, but the hate is gone. Now I'm married to a wonderful lady, 35 years now and all is good.

Nick Klepac

I have full confidence that Bea will turn this story around and her world of characters will be all well. As you guys all said, this is fantasy, a comic, go with it. Dumb as a rock, but still beautiful!

travis duryea

I don't hate her, and honestly I don't think anything she's done has been out of character for her. I just felt a bit sad that there relationship hit the rocks. It also felt a little bit jarring since they were so lovey-dovey at the beginning. I definitely do feel that this all leading to character growth from both of them, so you're on the right track. It might be a little hard right now but knowing your writing so far, it will lead to a much more satisfying resolution. So, [insert words of encouragement here], sorry i am not very good at encouragement. *\0/* *\0/* *\0/*

Steve LaFave

I embrace the story. Sure she comes off as being snobby and selfish but she just had a baby and wants what's best for him. She confused Al's well being for their total surrender of happiness and their own dreams. My brother in law had to cope with this when my sister had her first born. She was scared of not being a good mother that she forgot to be a supportive wife and took a lot out on him when things didn't go well.